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CountyRecords.com Partners   

Become a CountyRecords.com Partner today! Call 1-877-425-3453 or e-mail us now!

Supply documents and data Pastel Rainbow Bullet Point

Supply documents (typically TIFF or PDF images) and data to CountyRecords to be placed on the Internet. If you currently have a halFILE system in place, you are ready to go! If you have data and images captured by another product, we can discuss how they can be converted and placed on the web. If you have not started capturing documents but want to know what is involved, call us!

Help set pricing structure Pastel Rainbow Bullet Point

CountyRecords provides sophisticated, multi-tiered billing plans that enable you to create pricing options that can attract business. We can show you how existing partners have structured their plans and work with you to create your own structure based on expected activity.

Share in the revenues Pastel Rainbow Bullet Point CountyRecords performs all the credit card validation, invoicing, and collection. You receive one monthly check for your revenue share along with detail transaction activity report. Attractive revenue sharing plans are available, so call now! 
Receive free access to on-line documents Pastel Rainbow Bullet Point You will be provided a password which enables you to access your documents, free of charge, from anywhere in the world!
Get their own company web page on CountyRecords  Pastel Rainbow Bullet Point We will develop your web page and submit it to popular search engines so you can have a presence on the Internet!

