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 Borden County, Texas Search Hints

  1. Documents dated August 2015 and forward are indexed by all fields. Instrument Numbers have a 4-digit year prefix followed by a zero-filled 4 digit sequential number. The 4-digist sequential number is not reset at the end of the year so the last document in 2015 is 20151049 and the first document in 2016 is 20161050.

  2. Grantor and Grantee names are entered in the form shown by the example: "SMITH JOHN".

  3. Images for documents dated January 2012 and forward are multi-page PDF files and cost $4 per document, regardless of the number of pages.

  4. Documents dated 08/28/1880 thru 04/09/1959 are indexed by Volume/Page only. For example, the last document in this set is Volume 87, Page 453. This set comprises Volumes 1 thru 87

  5. Images for documents dated 08/28/1880 thru 04/09/1959 are single page TIFF images. Individual pages are priced at $1 per page. All pages of a document are priced at $4 regardless of the number of pages.

Currently, in the historical set, we are missing Volumes 16, 71,72, and 73. We are also missing documents between 4/10/1959 and 12/31/2011.

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