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 Dawson County, Texas Search Hints

1. ALL data entered on the search criteria screen must match for a document to be found.

2. Grantor and Grantee names are entered in the form shown by the example: "SMITH JOHN" (no punctuation).

3. To find Grantor or Grantee names where you are not sure if name is first or middle name, search for "SMITH%JOHN". This will find "SMITH JOHN" and "SMITH ROBERT JOHN".

4. Dates are entered in the form mm/dd/yyyy.

5. The Instrument Number consists of a 4-digit year prefix plus a 4 digit number. For example, 19960001 is the first Instrument Number in 1996.

6. A project is underway to post Subdivision and Survey information, primarily for Oil/Gas related documents. Currently, we are back to 1991 with this project.

To search surveys, select the Survey from the Subdivision box where Surveys are listed at the top. Place the Section in the Lot box.

7. Images start at 02/15/1996. You may find some images prior to this date but most documents are missing their images.



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